Wednesday, April 23, 2008


From Leigh:

The book is finally completed and in our hands. It's been a long road and re-writing after a break of not looking at it. I definitely recommend putting something down you're working on and revisiting it even just a week later. You'll look at it with different eyes.

So a quick intro to the book. It's more than a book, it's a way to get an entire group of people laughing, having fun, and just spending time together.

I grew up playing "Scribbles" and it's such a simple concept. My dad, Wayne (co-author), invented this game with his brother trying to find ways to entertain themselves. And it worked!

I'll post a picture of the cover soon. I can't believe it's finally D-O-N-E. To order your copy please email us. with your Name, Address, and how you would like to pay. We accept money orders, and pay-pal. Please spread the word like butter!

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